These are some of the projects we’ve created using AccessWebapps and nothing else.

Web app development has never been easier!


Txokos are a typical Basque grastronomical society. As any society, it requieres management, so we've developed this webapp to help these societies organise their resources.

Secre Cloud

Secre is Aplimedia's ERP. We've developed this web version so customers can manage their businesses anywhere and anytime.

My position

Save your location wherever you are and quickly consult it at any time. You can use it not to forget where you've parked your car, to keep a database of restaurants you love. The possibilities are endless!

My lottery

If you're a regular player, introduce all of your lottery tickets and quickly check it you won or not.

My daily sensations

Keep track of your daily sensations so you can understand how your diet and lifestyle affects you.

My appointments

If you run an office or practice or you visit clients regularly, you can keep your calendar updated and allow your clients to book appointments based on your availability.

My expenses

If you're the type of person that enjoys keeping track of every coin you spend, this web app will help you save money by keeping a 100% updated record of your expenses.

My investments

Have you invested money on the stock market? This web app will let you know how are you and your shares doing. Introduce your information and make better decisions.

My events

Are you organizing some type of event? This web app is for those who need an organising tool to send invitations and keep track of the people attending the event.

My e-commerce

AccessWebapps is very powerful: you can even build an entire e-commerce with it. Update your products, consult your stock, build an online store...